Art & culture through a virtual lens…

Thanks to CreativeMornings, and their vivid online community, l am happily discovering a wealth of virtual museums and interactive exhibitions.

Sharing the “virtual tours” link (via WhatsApp) to some like-minded friends subsequently led to a super suggestion to create a post “for all visual and creative people”. During these days of self-confinement, it feels timely to share a couple of “stand-out” platforms – to which you may feel compelled to further explore.

l am particularly finding Google Arts & Culture app highly insightful & innovative, with its extensive collection of museums, exhibits and interactive activities from around the world, including Monet: The Water Lily Pond, The National Gallery London. It is wonderful to be able to re-visit this captivating piece – online.

The British Museum London (in collaboration with Google) has created a impressive interactive piece which allows the viewer to explore a dynamic timeline of its collections. Via the medium of visual and audio, this site is best viewed as a desktop experience, and depicts a wide breadth of exhibits which can be explored at your own pace – beautifully enriching, it is definitely worth a virtual visit.

For someone who enjoys visiting art exhibitions on a regular basis, l am grateful that there are plenty of digitally based amusements to help me stay connected to the world of art and culture from the comfort of home – through this ever-evolving “virtual lens”.

Stay safe, stay healthy.

Gif source: / Vincent Van Gogh ´The Starry Night´, 1889.

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